DSB HOTLINE: 1300 083 241

Welcome to the Distribution Standards Board (DSB), we are the self-regulatory body overseeing compliance to an industry Code of Conduct across Australian and New Zealand postal and residential distribution service channels. From community and local government notices to community health advice, essential service retail and pharmacy notifications, community newspapers and more, the DSB ensures the channel maintains a high standard across all communications submitted.
The postal and letterbox network is a powerful channel reaching over 28 million Australians and New Zealanders every day, access is socially inclusive and the industry supports local jobs employing ~268,000 people across both countries. It is our aim to ensure residential and postal distribution remain vigilant to a delivery standard, comply with social inclusiveness and environmental standards.
For any and all queries across the DSB please contact hello@dsb.org.au, complete the eform below or contact the hotline number – 1300 083 241.
Our industry operates within a Code of Conduct and fully complies to a COVID Safe standard:
- 100% contactless delivery
- Delivery within 5km radius
- Short delivery windows
- Mask wearing when distributing
- Solo distribution, unless additional workers are required for safety reasons
- 100% outdoor distribution
Given recent lockdowns and restrictions across Australia and New Zealand there are some clear restrictions which all Distributors must maintain 100% compliance to. Specifically to the type of communications being distributed, i.e. pamphlets, and/or the regions being distributed into, i.e. identified cities or regions under higher lockdown Alert Levels. The DSB urges all Distributors to engage regularly with the DSB to maintain updates and accurate information across any and all Public Health Orders in place across Australia and New Zealand.
In recent times across Australia and New Zealand, there has been queries regarding the distribution of anti-vaccination material through the letterbox channel. The DSB has reviewed all individual cases and made rulings that any anti-vaccination content across the COVID vaccine is inconsistent with government health orders across Australia and New Zealand and thereby deemed adult content. Adult content must be distributed in a sealed carrier. A Notice to Distributors has been issued accordingly – DSB Ruling COVID19 Vaccine Flyer.
DSB Charter
The Distribution Standards Board (DSB) is the self-regulatory body of the letterbox distribution industry. This Charter sets out the DSB’s commitment to providing a high level of standards for all letterbox distribution. The DSB is designed to govern the industry via agreed guidelines to ensure catalogues and unaddressed advertising mail is delivered to the highest standards. The primary function of the Charter is to maintain agreed levels of privacy, litter control, cooperation with local authorities and compliance with all environmental guidelines. The DSB will ensure that its performance in complying with this Charter is monitored on a regular basis.
DSB Code of Practice
Members of the industry and their contact deliverers agree to uphold the spirit of the code in all respects.
Be conscious at all times of the need to respect individual privacy and personal taste of the consumer.
Ensure that any delivery with which they are associated is consistent with a high standard of performance.
The Guidelines:
Do Not place material in receptacles where a sign requesting non delivery is displayed. (Does not apply to newspapers)
Do Not deliver material where there is no receptacle to receive such material or where the receptacle is unsuitable for such material.
Do Not leave multiple copies unsecured unless the resident or Authorised Officer takes full responsibility.
Do Not deliver material where there is an obvious overflow of other such material, or remove other articles to make room for your delivery.
Do Not throw or generally litter or leave items on the ground that have been pushed out by your delivery.
Only deliver to receptacles that are designed to take letters or newspapers and ensure that material is secure.
Will not deliver content of explicit material in the common understanding that all sections of the community, in particular children, have ready access to the Letterbox. This includes content of an adult rating and/or may portray people or other, in a way that discriminates against or vilifies a person or section of the community on account of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, sexual preference, religion, disability, mental illness or political belief.
Will not deliver content of inauthentic material noting that it is the common understanding that all sections of the community have ready access to the Letterbox and that the Letterbox is recognised as carrying content that is trusted for accuracy. This includes content which contains misinformation that could have potential to impact an individual’s physical or mental health, financial security, safety, is knowingly fraudulent, or is not supported by a qualified independent third-party or is widely rated as false content.

Companies will
- Immediately react to queries or complaints.
- Clean-up any litter caused by incorrect delivery practices.
- Cooperate fully with local authorities.
- Provide details of deliverers responsible for littering offenses to relevant authorities.
- Each year supply all deliverers with a copy of the Code of Practice and supply copies to new deliverers before they start.
- Provide ongoing training in ‘industry-best’ work practices.
- Enforce the Code of Practice to the best of their abilities in the interest of customers, community and the industry.
- Ensure items for delivery are not of an “adults-only” nature as letterboxes are easily accessible to children.
Deliverers will
- Where possible, fully insert all items into the receptacle utilising the newspaper slot, where available, or otherwise the letter slot.
- Pick-up and replace any items that may be pushed out while other material is being placed in the receptacle.
- Ensure that delivered items are secure and unlikely to fall out of the receptacle. Particularly on windy days.

Complaint Letter to The Distributor or Company
I don’t have a No Advertising Material sticker and I still don’t receive catalogues. How can I get catalogues delivered?
Unfortunately, across Australia we do have a shortage of Distributors and if your region does not have a Distributor, the Distribution companies may not be able to commit to delivery at this time. We will process your query to the Area Manager and ask that catalogues be delivered to your address provided. This can take 4-6 weeks for a Distribution window to be re-allocated or if there is no Distributor in your area we can only continue to call on reliable people to deliver catalogues in your area. You can work flexible hours, get paid regularly and earn extra cash all while you walk. No experience is necessary. If you, or anyone you know would be interested in becoming a catalogue distributor please contact the ACA on 1300 083 241 and we will provide further information.
I am receiving catalogues to my letterbox however I have a No Advertising Material sticker on my letterbox, how can I stop delivery?
Please provide your address, a list of the catalogues you are receiving and any further details which may be of assistance. The DSB will contact the Distributor and advise the request for non-delivery. We will only contact you in case of any clarification needed. You may continue receiving unsolicited material while your application is being processed – please allow 4-6 weeks for the process to be completed.
I have a No Advertising Material sticker, and I still receive Real Estate, Take-Away, Local Newspaper, Small business and/or Government pamphlets, flyers, catalogues, leaflets. Can you stop these deliveries?
Local Real Estate Agents, Takeaway Stores or Small businesses are not signatories to the DSB and often distribute themselves (i.e. not through a Distribution company). Unfortunately, we are unable to address these concerns and advise the best course of action is to communicate directly with the business that has produced the publication. Government and Local Newspapers are not considered ‘advertising’ information as they provide community notices and therefore are exempt from all existing legislation.
I have received explicit material in my letterbox and want to make a formal complaint, how do I do this?
The DSB classifies the letterbox as a G-rated distribution portal as children can easily access the letterbox. Any explicit material is in breach of this and is not distributed by DSB Distributors. Often these materials are distributed by independent groups and we advise you to forward these complaints directly to your local Member of Parliament who can address under anti-discrimination legislation or download the templated letter down below and send directly to the company/organisation.
Download: Complaint Letter Template
I would like a No Advertising Material sticker for my letterbox, how do I receive one?
The Distribution Standards Board (DSB) supplies ‘No Advertising Material’ and ‘Advertising Material Yes Please’ stickers. Residents wishing to obtain stickers for themselves need to send an envelope containing a stamped self-addressed envelope to us. We will be more than happy to send a complimentary sticker back. The envelopes can be sent to Suite 6, 151 Barkly Ave, Richmond, VIC 3121.
Catalogue and Letterbox Distribution
All catalogue distributors are encouraged to become co-signatories to the DSB Code of Practice. The following businesses have agreed to conform with the DSB Code of Practice:
Adpost Online Pty Ltd
PO Box 193, Croydon. NSW. 2132
Phone: 1300 237 678
Email: jodi@adpost.com.au
Website: www.adpost.com.au
GDR Marketing & Distribution Pty Ltd
Unit 35, 11-21 Underwood Road, Homebush. NSW. 2140
Phone: 02 9695 0500
Email: daizy@gdrdistributions.com.au
Letterbox drops Australia
15 Grainger St., Lambton. NSW. 2299
Phone: 02 4957 4324
29 Carter Cr, Gymea. NSW. 2227
Phone: 02 9524 2655
Local Direct Network Newcastle
Unit 5/28 Pendlebury Road, Cardiff. NSW. 2285
Phone: 02 4957 4324
Fax: 02 4952 6004
Email: info@ldn.net.au
Local Direct Network Sydney North West
Dock 1 Building 4, 1 Moorebank Ave, Moorebank. NSW. 2170
Phone: 02 8763 2149
Fax: 02 9612 805
Email: info@ldn.net.au
Local Direct Network Sydney South
Dock 1 Building 4, 1 Moorebank Ave, Moorebank. NSW. 2170
Phone: 02 8763 2140
Fax: 02 9612 8055
Email: info@ldn.net.au
Freaky Flyer Delivery
26 Craighall Turn, Madeley WA 6065
Phone: 0402 373 006
Email: admin@freakyflyerdelivery.com.au
Website: www.freakyflyerdelivery.com.au
Unit 6, 84 Casua Drive, Varsity Lakes. QLD. 4227
Phone: 07 55221817
Fax: 07 55221516
Darling Downs Pamphlet Distributors
Shed 2, 103 North Street, Toowoomba. QLD. 4350
Phone: 07 4639 1986
Email: admin@ddpd.net.au
Website: www.ddpd.net.au
Expose Yourself Letterbox Distribution
7.16 Natasha Street, Capalaba QLD 4175
Phone: 0406 665 709
Email: admin@exposeyourself.info
Website: www.exposeyourself.info
Gold Coast Leaflet Distributors
1, 39 Bailey Crescent, Southport. QLD. 4215
Phone: 07 55312533 /0412 757 055
Fermax Pty Ltd
148 Derrimut Drive, Derrimut. VIC. 3030
Phone: 03 9219 4700
Email: kathy.palmer@fermax.com.au
Hi-Fliers Distribution
4 Travis Court, Hoppers Crossing. VIC. 3029
Phone: 0425 222 083
Impact Leaflet Distributors
5/9 Woolboard Rd, Port Melbourne. VIC. 3207
Phone: 03 96769371
Fax: 03 96769372
Silverstar Advertising Services
12 Pallett St, Coburg Nth. VIC. 3058
Phone: 03 9384 2821
IVE Group
350 Parramatta Road Homebush NSW 2140
Phone: (02) 8020 4400